RUT Remote

120.000 CLP

The RUT is your personal identifier in Chile. Get it remotetly from the comfort of your home.

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The RUT is a number that identifies a person before an entity of the state.  It is necessary to buy a motorcycle in your name in Chile. In case that you´d like to buy a new or used motorcycle through Andes Adventure Bikes the service of obtaining this personal number is included. If you want to go hunt your dream bike on your own and prepare everything remotely from the comfort of your home, then this is the product for you. We will get your RUT number without you being present in Chile. In order to achieve this you will have to sign several documents in your home country and send them to Chile.  That way you save some wait time after your arrival and can go moto shopping right away.

Refer to this blogpost in order to learn how to sign the documents correctly.